Thursday, December 16, 2010


1.     1. At first glance, I noticed that the pro-choice website seemed to look much better than the pro-life website. As with anything, first impressions are very important and I think presentation is a factor that convinces readers. I thought it was very interesting how the websites disagreed with each other directly on the website instead of just promoting their own beliefs. I think that this is affective in order to convince people, but should not be done on their main website because it does not advertise what the website is about. Since I believe in the right to chose, I think that the arguments on the pro-choice website are better and are presented in a stronger way.
2.     2. I personally believe that a parent should have the right to know if their child is having an abortion but should not be the one to decide the outcome. As a seventeen or eighteen year old you are viewed as an adult and with this title you are capable of making decisions on your own that are in your best interest. Since a parent is still responsible for their children I think they should be notified about the decision and should be consulted with.
3.     3. A father should absolutely be notified if their child is going to be aborted. Since it takes two people to create a baby, it is both of their decision. I don’t think the father would even have to be notified because in most cases the father would already know what is going on with their significant other.
4.     4. Since the facts are very biased towards pro-choice, I found it difficult to get a complete view on the laws in Illinois concerning abortion. One new piece of information that I previously did not know was that Governor Pat Quinn is pro-choice. One law that I found interesting was that Illinois law restricts young women's access to abortion services by mandating parental notice. I disagree with the fact that it restricts their access because many parents understand that having a baby is a ton of work and a responsibility. When a baby is wanted and two people are ready, it is a blessing. When it is not, it creates a burden on young adults, and most parents realize that a baby as a teenager is too much of a responsibility. When a teenager has to take care of themselves, and a baby, it creates a lifestyle and environment that is very difficult. I disagree with the websites stance on this law because I think parents should be notified if their child is pregnant and wants to have an abortion. 

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