Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Race In America

Previous to studying this unit and learning about race in class, I had the opportunity to watch a film about being black in America. I thought that this film was very informative and truly gave me a perspective about being black in America. Since I come from a suburban neighborhood without diversity, I could not relate to what it is like to grow up and live in America being a black person. There are many unfair things that black people have to deal with on a regular basis such as stereotypes. I believe that the view and opinion of black people was purposely created so that they would be inferior to white people.  Since the country is somewhat set up so that this is the case, black people in America have much more obstacles to overcome. One segment that I remember from the film was the story about Michael Eric Dyson and his brother. I thought this was very interesting because it showed how two similar people could go in two completely opposite directions. Dyson’s brother allowed stereotypes and other obstacles to take the best of him. Dyson’s brother exemplifies the stereotypical black man in America and what the system creates for them. Michael Eric Dyson represents perseverance and hard work because he overcame numerous obstacles that stood in his way due to his race. Overall, I think that this website and film series is eye opening and very interesting. 

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