Monday, March 7, 2011

What’s Going on in the World?

After browsing through many stories on the New York Times, I noticed that it was very informative and it had a lot of interesting topics. I liked that at the top of the website there were many different subjects to chose from such as Business, Technology, and Sports. These were the main subjects that I chose to look through and I read some interesting articles. Under the business category I read an article that discussed how YouTube wanted to buy Next New networks. The purchase of Next New Networks, which produces original programming and helps video creators distribute their films and make money, would be YouTube’s biggest attempt into creating its own programming. By doing this they will only have professionally created videos and will make money off of them. There will be more advertising and revenue generated by this purchase. Under the Technology Section, I read an article about how people who have iPhone’s spend more time using apps than talking to people or browsing the Internet. This means that people are spending more time on their phones playing games and using applications than using a phone for a phone. Phones are becoming new sources of entertainment and a new way to play games. I thought that this was interesting because this article made me realize how much time people spend on their phones. Under sports I read an article about the Miami Heat. This article discussed the trio of Lebron James, Chris Bosh, and Dwayne wade and whether or not it was a good idea. The author states “Is there something in James’s makeup — or more likely, his skill set — that in end-game situations reduces him to less than the sum of his wondrously athletic parts”? I thought this author was very interesting and I read more articles that he wrote. Overall I think that the New York Times is a great website and source of information.

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