Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hidden Bias

After completing the test, the results indicated that I preferred African Americans to European Americans. This test made very little sense to me and seemed to be more of a matching game than anything else. I think that everyone has hidden bias due to what they have learned, heard, or experienced with people. I do not think that a test like this can determine any conclusive data about your own opinions about people. A true person knows what they believe and how they feel about other races and ethnicities. It is something that an individual should decide for themselves and not something that should be told to you through a confusing test.  Everybody has their own beliefs in their own mind when they see a person of a different race or ethnicity and this is when your hidden bias is no longer hiding. These results did not provide me with any new knowledge about my opinions about race. This test made me more confused which I made sure they knew in the reflection part of the survey. Overall, I believe that everyone has hidden biases about people that they hide from others, but each individual knows what their bias is. 

1 comment:

  1. Andy, you do a decent job in this blog. Nice to see what you have to say. Too bad we don't hear it in class.
