Monday, March 7, 2011

State of the Union

After watching the State of the Union speech made by President Obama, I thought it was very interesting how the two parties were not separated. I think that this made the speech and the overall presentation much better because it allowed the focus to be more on the issues rather than what the party believed. It caused people to be individuals rather than following a group. I liked how President Obama urged Congress members, no matter their party, to seek a common ground so they could meet challenges facing the United States. President Obama argued that by supporting innovation, the government would actually help create jobs, and would help to decrease the American unemployment rate by nearly ten percent. With new technology, it allows for new industries to develop and for new jobs to be created. I also found it very interesting how President Obama stressed the importance of parenting. His main focus was the future, and the kids are the future of the country. The president pointed out, though, that Congress can only do so much about the kids, and he urged parents to continue stressing the importance of education. "That responsibility begins not in our classrooms, but in our homes and communities.  It’s family that first instills the love of learning in a child," he said. "Only parents can make sure the TV is turned off and homework gets done”. Overall, I think that the President made a good speech and it did not need to be critiqued. 

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